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We have multiple published authors in our ranks, and everything they've given us is of the highest quality. I'm really proud of the contributors we have in this issue. I always thought of our contributors as a team and felt that Monster Attack Team really fit our method of promoting the genre and Japan. I have not brought as many things to this issue as I would like to due to job and family commitments, but I am very thankful that our original crew is basically all back together. How many contributors are returning and how many are new?Įd: Mike knows more about the lineup, but many have returned and there are many new contributions too. Personally, I don't think JFFJ has ever been topped, though Markalite did come close.Ĥ. At the same time, MAT was invited on the set of Power Rangers while the first season was being filmed. It was quite an honor and Markalite and MAT were fortunate to be there. Back when Ultraman Powered was being shot in Burbank, CA Markalite, Oriental Cinema, and MAT were invited on the set. I have stayed in contact with August Ragone and Bob Johnson since those days. I bought every issue of Markalite when they came out and I believe I wrote to their offices as they were preparing issue 4, which unfortunately never came out. What impact did other fanzines like "Japanese Fantasy Film Journal" and "Markalite" have on "MAT"?Įd: JFFJ and Markalite had an effect, particularly Markalite. We never took it too serious and wanted to bring things to our network of friends not seen elsewhere. I wanted it to be a fan club and fanzine like none other. I wanted to bring fans together via television and print media and branch out a bit. Mike: I'll let Ed answer this, as he is one of the foundersĮd: When MAT was established there were no definite guidelines or by-laws, but I had a clear idea of what I wanted to present and in what fashion. When establishing "MAT", what goals did you guys set? I contacted Ed and told him that I wanted to do another issue, and he agreed that it was a good idea.Ģ. It occurred to me that we could have really used all of this when MAT was active, it also occurred to me that there were things I'd still like to write about, or see written about.

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I have all these resources and equipment, plus I'm a hell of a lot better at this stuff now than I was back when we were doing MAT.

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I use all this software at work and at home. Basically, it came out of the fact that I've been employed as a graphic designer for a little while now. When and under what circumstances did the revival of "Monster Attack Team" come under?Įd: MAT was revived with the hard work and reinvestment by original contributor and associate editor Mike Keller.

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Do take note that Bolgger seems to have an officinal problem when it comes to clumping large amounts of text together which are supposed to be spaced apart, so if you develop disdain, feel free to go ahead and leave your e-mail via comment and I am sure to give it to you. I hope this interview is thorough, if not informative on the resurrection. Holland (also known as Edojira) and Michael Keller. Along with the promotion of the resurrection of legendary fanzine "Monster Attack Team", I have had the special honor to interview the editors-in-chief of the magazine, Edward L.

Respect ultraman belial