Naturally of course, the fact that grandpa is an ass-kicking, alcohole machine, means that the grandson character must be a total goodie goodie, a real preppy nerd type because its the perfect equal polar opposite matchup. This of course means you're gonna get a sequence where he does indeed kick someone's ass much to the surprise of Jason his grandson. I mean honesty, who thought of this? who greenlit it? The entire concept is so cliche and dated, an old grandfather figure that turns out to be a dirty, loud mouthed, profanity spewing perv who also just happens to be an ex-special forces type so he can also kick ass if needs be.
#Mi abuelo es un peligro descargar avi movie
Aaand that's your movie in a nutshell people, sound familiar? Well that's probably because its been done a shitzillion times before. Its up to the young, clean cut and unaware Jason (Efron) to escort him from Georgia to his Florida retirement home. Yes this is what this movie is all about, Robert De Niro's dirty grandpa character who has just lost his wife of 40 years, is now revealed to be a foul mouthed, booze obsessed pervert who wants to fuck young girls. 'I haven't had sex in 15 years and I wanna fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck!' This movie exists solely because it felt like none of these actors had much on their plate throughout the year. Aubrey Plaza seems to be having the most fun and is probably the only bright spot in an otherwise dour film.Ģ016 wasn't a good year for Efron. Of course he takes his shirt off in what is now a standard in movies he signs on for. De Niro sells a few lines and makes you yearn for his performance in Meet the Parents. Instead of being a tailored, goofball romp through Spring Break or wherever they end up, it turns into a desperate, forced adventure contrived out of the worst ideas. Other than a quick pay check, there seems to be zero benefit to being involved. I'm not sure if this was just an excuse for some of these actors to be on screen with Robert de Niro, but then you'd have to ask yourself why he even did this film in the first place. Dan Mazer was involved in most of Sacha Baron Cohen's stuff nearly a decade ago when it was brought to film, and where that niche of comedy worked for people interested in that silly humor, none of it has translated to Dirty Grandpa. Not for my list, but for the actors involved in making the movie. I am almost ashamed to put this on my list.